Playing for Pride 2024- Week 1 Recap

In our 2024 rendition of Playing for Pride, we are very happy to report 32 people signed up, including the podcast team. This is almost 3x as many signups as we had last year and it makes us really happy to see so many people want to confirm that Playing for Pride matters, Pride Month matters, and Athlete Ally is doing good work.

The podcast team has committed to making a donation to Athlete Ally based on their accumulated points. We don’t require anyone to donate, but if you can make a donation, no matter how small, Athlete Ally does good work, you can read more about them here.

Here are your point totals and standings after 1 week of play.

Anyone with Thomas Amang enjoyed a 9 point gain, Owen Lambe and Ethan Zubak both racking up 6 points, Andrew Fox and Kyle Scott with 5 points each, and everyone else with 4 or fewer. Colin Shutler’s 2 goals conceded hurt, which is the danger of picking a goalkeeper on your team; if they earn a cleansheet it’s A TON of points. But once goals get scored it gets ugly quick.

We’ll see what happens in Phoenix this weekend, but make sure to listen to Monday’s podcast and we’ll talk about it in a little more depth.